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1st July 2024

Elite Runners Invitation

Elite Runners Invitation Free entry


Runners meeting the elite criteria may benefit from free slots.


UTMB Index

▶︎ 100M Category

  • Male UTMB Index 800+

  • Female UTMB Index 650+

▶︎ 100K Category

  • Male UTMB Index 820+

  • Female UTMB Index 690+

▶︎ 50K Category

  • Male UTMB Index 850+

  • Female UTMB Index 710+



TOP3 UTMB Index of each country The TOP3 runners (according to UTMB Index) from each country also qualify for a free slot into the HOKA Chiang Mai Thailand by UTMB.


They shall contact the organizer at in order to obtain a free slot discount code.


Event Venue: Chiang Mai PAO Park Chiang Mai Chaloem Phrakiat Park


Event Day: 5-8 Dec 2024

