Make sure you have created your My UTMB account
The first step in your My UTMB journey is to make sure that you have created your account. You will need to verify your email address and complete your personal information.
The personal information you use here will be used for future race registrations and linking to you past results, so please ensure that you use the same name as you would to register for a race.
When you have finished creating your My UTMB account we try to match your personal information with race data base, if there is an exact match then a link will be made between your profile and these race results.
You can check if your account has been linked by clicking on the My UTMB in the top right corner of the page or within your My UTMB dashboard. If you see the words view my profile or go to my public profile then it means the has been successful.
Please note: your name display with this is not the same as your previous account.
Make sure your results are linked to your account.
Manually request to link your profile to your results
If the link was not made then it means that the information in your account was not an exact match with any of the runners in our database and you will need to request to link your profile.
Navigate to the UTMB Index search and type in your name. Once you find a profile that you believe is yours, click on your name to see the race results associated to this profile.
Once your have verified that the results are yours, all you need to do is click on the CLAIM MY RESULST PAGE button. This will send a request to our team and we will verify the claim. This will usually be done in 24 hrs, please do not email us, we will validate your request as quickly as possible.
If you do not see the option to link your account, it means that this account is already attached to another My UTMB account. We verify all account links so it is very unlikely that someone else has attached themselves to your profile. It is most likely that you have already created a My UTMB account that is attached to your results. please contact us to help solve this problem.
Do you have multiple profiles?
You may also find your results are in multiple profiles, this is caused when there are differences in the personal information in the result files. To solve this simply click on the CLAIM MY RESULTS PAGE for all the pages that contain your results.
If you have found one of your results in another persons page and do not want to claim all the results associated with this runner please send us a message via the contact form containing your email address, the URL of the runners page you want to claim from and which result you want to claim.
Missing results
If you find that your profile does not contain all your race results please check our UTMB Index results page to check the following
If you did not find the race on this page, then it means you will need to contact the race organizer and request that they sign up for free to the UTMB Index races and send in their results.
If the race is registered but there is no option to view the results then it means that we have not received the race results. We require that the race results be submitted by the race organizer, we cannot upload them without their assistance. Please contact them to ask for a status on the race results.
If the results are listed and there is no UTMB Index associated it means we are currently calculating the scores for this race.
Errors in your results
If there is an error in your race results, please contact the race organizer and request that they update the results. We cannot make the update directly.
Having trouble or have additional questions?
Please Contact Us and let us know how we can help.