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By registering to UTMB’s events, all athletes agree to be bound by the UTMB’s Anti-Doping Rules and acknowledge the jurisdiction of UTMB in enforcing these rules. Athletes understand that adherence to the UTMB Anti-Doping Rules is essential to maintaining the integrity, fairness, and spirit of competition in the sport of trail running.

Athletes further acknowledge and agree to:

(a) be bound by and comply with all of the provisions of the UTMB Anti-Doping Rules (as amended from time to time), the World Anti-Doping Code and the International Standards issued by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA);

(b) be subject to the authority of UTMB to enforce, to manage results under, and to impose sanctions in accordance with, the UTMB Anti-Doping Rules;

(c) be subject to in-competition and out-of-competition doping control testing if selected by UTMB or relevant anti-doping authorities;

(d) provide accurate and up-to-date whereabouts information and make themselves available for testing if so required;

(e) refrain from using banned substances or engaging in prohibited methods as outlined in the UTMB Anti-Doping Rules and the WADA Prohibited List;

(f) be personally responsible for understanding what constitutes a violation of the Anti-Doping Rules. Athlete also commit to monitor and ensure their own compliance with the UTMB Anti-Doping Rules, noting that certain medications, supplements, common beverages, and other legally available products may contain prohibited substances;

(g) consent to the collection, analysis and storage of urine, blood or other samples for anti-doping purposes, and acknowledge that the results thereof may be disclosed to relevant parties and the public in accordance with the UTMB Anti-Doping Rules;

(h) cooperate fully with UTMB and anti-doping authorities in any investigations or proceedings related to anti-doping rule violations;

(i) acknowledge the processing of their personal data by UTMB and its delegated third parties (including the International Testing Agency) in accordance with UTMB privacy notice;

(j) be subject to the jurisdiction of the UTMB Anti-Doping Rules, agreeing that any dispute arising out of a decision made pursuant to the UTMB Anti-Doping Rules, after exhaustion of the process expressly provided for in the UTMB Anti-Doping Rules, may be appealed exclusively as provided in Article 13 of the UTMB Anti-Doping Rules to an appellate body for final and binding arbitration;

(k) accept the consequences and sanctions imposed by UTMB or relevant anti-doping authorities in the event of an anti-doping rule violation, including disqualification from UTMB events and potential suspension from future participation;

(l) refrain from participating in any capacity in any UTMB Event during a period of Ineligibility of Provisional Suspension.

By completing the registration process, athletes confirm their understanding and agreement to be bound by the UTMB Anti-Doping Rules.

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